
Cross-reactive anti-CCD antibodies can hinder allergy diagnostics

In persons with type I allergies, the immune system forms IgE antibodies at first contact with a usually harmless substance (allergen) from the environment, e.g. against certain proteins in pollen, animal hair or food. At every further contact, the binding between the antibodies and the allergen can cause diverse immune reactions, including swelling of mucous

Events, Science

Webinar: Autoimmune encephalitis – Anti-NMDAR and beyond

On July 26th, EUROIMMUN US organizes a webinar on autoimmune encephalitis. The presenter will be Maarten Titulaer, PhD, professor for neurology at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. Previously, he worked with Prof. Josep Dalmau, who first described the anti-NMDAR encephalitis, at the universities of Pennsylvania and Barcelona, investigating anti-NMDAR and anti-LGI1 antibodies. Registration for the webinar


Study from the University of Freiburg confirms high specificity of the Anti-ZIKV ELISA

Earlier this year, EUROIMMUN announced the availability of the first serological test systems for diagnostics of Zika virus infections. The infectious disease had rapidly spread in Latin America, especially in Brazil, during the past year. Suspicion regarding a link between the virus infections and the increased rate of malformations of newborns’ heads (microcephaly) precipitated concerns

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